Why luminaires with permanently installed LEDs can indeed be sustainable

Sollte die LED-Platine bei Leuchten austauschbar sein?

Anyone who buys a luminaire these days finds that many luminaires no longer have a bulb or lamp to turn out or in or even to plug in. LEDs are now mainly permanently installed. Changing them is impossible! And the problem is obvious: if the LEDs are broken, the whole luminaire has to be thrown away. Why permanently installed LEDs make sense,even if permanently installed LEDs in luminaires initially sound like an ecological disaster: Physically, the technology makes perfect sense.

An LED is a semiconductor product and semiconductors, as we know from PC or computer technology, need cooling. If you glue the LEDs tightly or connect them to a metal housing, this provides passive cooling, which, if done well, ensures that the service life is extended.

If the packaging of the luminaire states 50,000 operating hours, this corresponds to a total service life of more than 17 years with an average use of eight hours a day. Not bad. In that time, you would certainly have to replace quite a few LED bulbs.

Basically, the price of a luminaire and the illuminants is not only measured by the vague promise of service life, but also by lumen output or brightness. Where luminaires have to provide light for a very long time and permanently, the eco-balance is usually also right.

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